Sunday, November 27, 2016

Advice to Writers: Do not burn your bridges.

Advice to Writers: Do not burn your bridges. And try to be kind...always.

For self-published authors and entrepreneurs, one of the hardest things to find are freelancers and independent contractors who perform exactly as they claim. The tendency for us when we look for service providers is to put them on blast when they do not meet our expectations. But the funny thing about the Self-published Indie Author is this: we are our company in the flesh...and more often than not, the entire entity. Our entire enterprise might be on our laptops with us praying for a strong mind, perfect health, and reliable Antivirus software.

This past Summer, I had set a deadline for me to release Graffiti Mural by June and had even done some advertising to that effect. It had already been edited, I reached out to a couple proofreaders. Unfortunately (and fortunately you'll soon find out why) for me, the corrected copy was not ready by my anticipated release date. To make matters worse, it so happened that in the midst of all of that preparation and waiting, my computer crashed, taking my Graffiti Mural with it...along with all my other writing. 

I spent the Summer still doing what I could to recover those documents, hoping they could be salvaged. Nonetheless, the file of Graffiti Mural that I was able to upload and release was the file that had been forwarded to me from the proofreader who had been a month late! She was late proofreading the draft but right on time with the only updated edited copy.

So be kind. You never know how kindness will return to you.

Another blessing: my friend and a colleague, a tech expert, somehow recovered all my files. Thanks again, Open Choice IT!

Friday, November 25, 2016


Years ago, the assumption was that by doing the very best writing, books would just fly off the shelf. I know I had the very best intentions and was motivated. I soon learned to fully understand terms that had once only been concepts defined to me in a college business class: buzz, demand, brand recognition, differentiation, quality assurance, dependability, deliverables, and how advances in technology can alter an industry at large. 

For authors, our customers are readers. Nowadays, with an industry steeped with FREE options, we have to do everything in our power, via the social media dance however awkward, to emerge to the forefront of their decision and let sample and assess for them. They need to see for themselves why and how an unknown can deliver something special.

FREE KINDLE (November 25th; 26th)